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Friday, November 22, 2013


In so many different ways we experience growth. We experience growth through loss, gain, life lessons, doing things we don't want to, but you know what.... it always leads to growth. This last Sunday I was sitting in church and a part of the sermon was about praying and letting God mature you for growth in him. Over that weekend I had experienced a situation where I was able to put into action something I had been learning in my bible study. I finished reading the the book Identity by Eric Geiger, and the girls and I shared what stood out to us and one of the things was when your faced with an opportunity to sin ask God to remove the desire, and if you have the desire/temptation to sin ask God to remove the opportunity. Now I mean as humans we have temptations to sin all the time, whether it's telling your boss off or holding a grudge against your friend or doing something you shouldn't be doing. Sin always "sounds" good until you do it and then you feel like crap.

Anyways I had the opporortunity to do something that would have led to me feeling like crap and as I felt the temptation coming I prayed. If I'm being honest it was a lame insincere attempt to ask God to remove the opportunity, but I did it anyway. And to my surprise my half hearted prayer was answered, now I didn't realize it until the very next day but when I did realize, I was so happy. It hit me as I was listening to the message in church and I was thinking in my head woah God answered my prayer, and he answers my prayers all the time, but he even answered my prayer when I wasn't even sure I wanted him to.

I began to think of all of the things I went through to be at this point. Why I was brought into the situation and faced with an opportunity to sin I mean I know I'm faced with this stuff all the time but all of the tiny details that brought me to this point kind of random and insignificant. But on Sunday I realized that yeah that whole weekend was unnecessary, but it was all for my growth. It's cool to know that even when I don't feel like I need/ want God he shows me he isn't giving up on me and continues to pursue me. My relationship with Jesus stands firmly on his promises to never give up on me.  It was all for my growth.  Even when I don't see it, the Holy Spirit is at work in my life. :)

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completetion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

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