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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Things I'm Afraid to Tell You

I was reading a few days ago and I came across this blog post from Two Thirds Hazel about things she was afraid to tell. At first glancing at the post, I thought oh what a great idea and I love reading stuff like this. I was expecting to read a few thoughts of hers that were funny of situations or people she may have been in or experienced. I love stuff like that and was ready for a good laugh. Well I was a little wrong and it was much different from what I had thought. Still very good, and inspired me to write a post of my own on the same topic. So here's my own take on it. This is a list of "things i'm afraid to tell you."

//One// I have a huge fear of my family not being saved, and never knowing/ feeling the love and joy of Jesus.

//Two// I didn't get to grow up with a mother because she passed away when I was two years old, and honestly I wouldn't change a thing if I could. I've loved just growing up with my awesome single dad. He's been playing both roles and It doesn't bother me that I've never had a mother. (I have three older sisters who have done the best they could to be there for me in motherly ways, so it's not like I had zero women in my life...and many other great women who have been a big influence).

//Three// I hate politics and I don't watch the news, and probably have no idea whats going on in the world. Thats sort of embarrassing, but I don't really care. Its all depressing and gives me major anxiety. I know Jesus reigns over all, but it still freaks me out. So I avoid it, problem solved.

//Four// I absolutely hate cardio anything. Ive been dancing since I practically started walking and I love it, but I have like no stamina. I would rather lift weights and do a million sit-ups before running a mile. With that being said, I will still do cardio because it is an important part of being healthy and exercising. I just hate it.

//Five// I don't really enjoy guy movies, and I am sure theres a ton of movies you have watched that I have never even heard of. When people ask me to watch super hero movies or action movies, my response is typically~ no thanks. I'll watch chick flicks and disney movies all day though, except Cars, or like that Lego Movie because that obviously classifies as a boy movie.

//Six// A lot of people annoy me. As much as I love being social and being around people, I love it just as much to not be around people. I really feel a lot of people don't know how to be a real human being and that they never make any sense. Maybe thats just me, and maybe I'm the one who never makes any sense. Ha.

//Seven// I cry almost every time I think about my dog Bailey getting older, because I don't think I gave her the best puppy years she could have had. I could have given her more walks, more cuddles, more treats, more fetch....I've had her since I was nine and I don't think she has much left in her.

//Eight// I am not sure how people get through life without Jesus. If you don't have a personal relationship with him, I believe you're really missing out. I should be bold enough to say that to your face, but its not easy and I'm not. But really your missing out and he has so much in store for you and wants to build a relationship with you. You should get to know him. He's always there and always listens. He's the bestest friend. :) But anyways I think you're missing out and kinda crazy if you don't know him.

//Nine// I hate and I'm incredibly afraid of driving. It gives me the WORST anxiety ever. Im not afraid of my driving, I just have no trust in other drivers. I am almost certain they 100% have no idea what they are doing. I wish someone could chauffeur me around all the time, but then again maybe not 'cause I don't trust others driving either. Ha!

//Ten// Im in school, but I actually don't like being a student. I'd rather be teaching then learning, but I would never become a teacher. I don't like sitting in class. I'd almost rather being doing anything else.  For now I'm still in college pursuing my degree though.

Well thats some of me and a side I don't usually share. :) Hope you learned about me, and please share some of your own. Link back or comment!

Until next time friends.


  1. YAY! I found you! Your design is so stinking cute. Good job!! :)
    I have the same fear with some of my family & friends. I need to make it a priority to always pray for them, no matter what I'm doing or where I am. I'm really bad about prayer.

    Your dad sounds like an amazing man! When you were talking about him at the Proctors on Valentine's day, your entire face lit up. It was so precious :)

  2. Aw thanks! I tried, I am debating whether or not to pay for a designer to do it...HMMMMM???

    1. Keep this for now, and after you've gotten the hang of blogging and your followers grow, then maybe you can think about getting a custom design :)

      I think it's REALLY cute.
