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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Goals

How come I have never set up monthly goals for myself. Well this March will be a first! So here we go! 

---> Be more disciplined in spending quiet time with the Lord in the morning, even if that means getting up a tad bit earlier on my early mornings before class. That would be Mondays and Wednesdays, and I'm starting work at my new job, so that will take time away from my sleeping in days (or as my dad would call it my sleep-a-thon). So I will need to be getting lots of rest if I want to wake up early. With that being said, If I want to get up earlier, then I must go to sleep earlier. Ugh.

---> Maintain the peace in my apartment with my roommates. It's been a little crazy around here. We don't like facing conflict, and that has been a big issue lately. Oh boyy!

---> Give more.

---> Start coconut oiling ( oh yes I just turned that into a verb) my hair more. I have been slacking and OH the benefits that come from it! I have missed the softness.

---> Make my prayers more about thankfulness, and God focused.

---> Eat less sweets. You know how people have a sweet tooth?? Well that's all I have.

---> Stay consistent with my workout!

---> Blog more. :) And be intentional and serious about my blogs content.

---> Offer prayer for friends and strangers, and be willing to stop and pray for them in the moment. God is glorified in these moments, that so easily  I let it pass by all the time! So I should take the time and take advantage of glorifying him. Plus meeting a need of prayer for someone else is one of the best gifts you could offer.

---> Sign all day for at least three times a week, not using my voice at all. Today my roommates and I are strictly signing today. I need the practice, so I have to be disciplined in staying with this goal. Good thing two of my roommates are fluent! We will be signing all day, except between 5-6pm. Because Pretty Little Liars is on, duh.

So there are some of my goals, and now I have to stick to them because they are officially posted on my blog. Ha! Share, show some love, and comment! :) 


  1. Hello Marie! Thanks for reading, and the prayers! Definitely hard changing your normal routine, I feel ya! But you are right aim for consistency, that is key! I just need to dig out the discipline haha!

  2. Great goals for this month!!
    Excited to see all that you accomplish :)
