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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Ever wonder what God is telling us and where he wants to lead us? Me too. I think it is so easy for the enemy to sneak in and tell us we are ok where we are. Comfortable and content. But The Lord has much bigger plans in store for us. Is there a goal in your life you are trying to reach? Are you trying to find your purpose in life? Well, let me tell you that finding Jesus gives hope and purpose. I started writing down a few things that stuck out to me when thinking about some of the things The Lord gives me.

Love, purpose, grace, peace, worth, a forever, hope, joy, wisdom, strength, and freedom.

I've been thinking lately and just been uncomfortable sitting back while there are millions of people being trafficked everyday. I want to see restoration for trafficked victims and people being saved and I want to see them find freedom. Freedom from slavery and finding their freedom in Jesus Christ.

A purpose The Lord gives us all is to spread love and the gospel and to make Jesus known throughout the world.

Not only is that my purpose, but also It's also my purpose to see slavery go from 27 Million to 0.

I just encourage you guys to really think about these questions when finding your purpose, Are you putting The Lord first? Are you putting others second, and then yourself? When putting God first everything else falls into place. Seek the kingdom of God first (Matthew 6:33)

Who does it honor?

Don't give up and know The Lord wants to use you too, he has far better plans in store than anything you could possibly think of. He can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)  let him lead you and show you the incredible joy that comes with following The Lord.  Just thought I would share a little bit more of where I'm at and how I'm being encouraged.

For we are gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Catching up

So it's been about a month since I've last been on. The holidays have been crazy. Finals went really well, and I passed my classes with good grades. First semester down at big kid college done! Woohoo. Christmas for me was chill, and I had a great 22nd birthday spent at Disneyland. I was happy to be home visiting family and friends and mostly my home church. It's seriously such a blessing to come back and be apart of something going on in my hometown and be able to see what The Lord is doing there. Before I left, I was on our junior high ministry and I lead a small group of juniors high girls, so it's really great to come home and see them and to let them know I'm still apart of their lives. Another big thing is I love being apart of the college ministry at my church and catching up with good friends and just get filled with love and prayer from everybody at our college group. It's very encouraging to know I'm still apart of something great.

As well as being apart of those great things I'm also so happy to get together with my mentor and three really great girls who I consider to be some of my very best friends. :) we are currently in a year long bible study group, we get together once a month which works because I come home about that often or if I can't they are able to Skype me in. Which has only happened once and we are about 5 months in. We go through different books and we are currently reading The Grace of God, and it is so good. The book has really transformed the way I look at people. Of course like anyone I struggle greatly at extending grace to others, but by the grace of God he allows me to see that, and gives me the strength to work on that.